24 Plastic Free Swaps for 2024

2024 is almost here, and once again we are challenging you to take a Plastic Free Pledge and make at least one swap away from using single-use plastics for 2024.

To help you, here are 24 ideas for your Plastic Free 2024 :

  1. Buy unpackaged fruit and vegetables (from greengrocers such as in those in the Moor Market) using your own brought-from-home bags
  2. Give up plastic water bottles, buy a reusable one and refill for free at locations all over the city
  3. Say no to a disposable coffee cup, buy a reusable one and bring it with you, or join Sheffield’s new Reusable Coffee Cup Scheme and hire a cup when you grab a hot drink, returning it to a participating cafe when you’ve finished
  4. Bring your own containers to buy cheese, meat, fish & deli items
  5. Say no to a plastic bag, invest in a reusable bag and keep it on your person at all times
  6. Say no to single-use cutlery. Either take your own stainless steel, or buy bamboo or other reusable cutlery to use on-the-go
  7. Switch to loofah washing up cloths and wooden scourer brushes
  8. Buy a 5L washing up liquid / hand soap / anti-bac spray bottle from a Sheffield zero waste shop, and decant it into your smaller bottle when it’s empty
  9. Use beeswax or vegan food wraps, or just tupperware boxes, to replace cling film and foil
  10. Give up plastic-wrapped snacks and sweets. Replace with snacks found in zero waste shops like The Bare Alternative, or make your own…. snacks, biscuits, crackers… get creative!
  11. Make your own packed lunches and hot drinks in thermos flasks instead of buying packaged sandwiches when out and about
  12. Cut down on plastic bottled milk and plastic bottle fruit juices and have them delivered in glass bottles from a local milk delivery service
  13. Switch to dishwasher powder or dissolve-able tablets
  14. Switch to bamboo toothbrushes or recycle your electric toothbrush heads
  15. Switch to Toothpaste Tabs or try Truthpaste in a jar
  16. Switch to plastic-free toilet roll, such as Who Gives A Crap or Naked Sprout
  17. Head to The Bare Alternative for refills on laundry & washing up detergents
  18. Try out solid shampoo bars instead of shower gels, solid conditioner bars instead of plastic conditioner bottles, and solid soap bars instead of plastic bottled soap
  19. Switch from tea bags to tea leaves (most tea bags contain plastic)
  20. Give up ready-made meals
  21. Use reusable face scrubbies instead of disposable make up pads
  22. Shop at The Bare Alternative for plastic-free refills of pantry goods such as pasta, rice, lentils, nuts & seeds, as well as herbs and spices
  23. Take your own container to markets such as Peddler Market, Rex Market, Sharrow Vale Market
  24. Take your own reusable pint cup with you to events, or if you’re hosting your own event, hire reusable cups from Sheffield Action on Plastic

What plastic free swap will you be taking this year?